Monday, September 15, 2008

Let's get going.

Well all summer I've been thinking this would be the perfect way to get some journaling and some scrapbooking done. And now it Sept. and the whole summer in gone, so let's see if I can figure this out and get going.

First event I'd like to remember from this summer--------Jack and I took a motorcycle trip up in to Yellow Stone. I was great. We left on Monday morning July 7th. The younger boys were going to be gone all week to football camp and Spencer had to work. So off we went just us two. I was hoping to see some wild life, specifically a Moose. (The only wild life I got to see was the my hotel room.......every night.) We had a great time.

It was my birthday while we were gone and I thought that was great, no cooking, no cleaning, no laundry, and no work. But my kids, especially my older two, with the help of their Father planned a suprise b-day party. Boy they fooled me good. It was lots of fun, lots of surprise people, and great food. With a new motor scooter to boot. ( I got asked if I felt older, my reply- NO how can I feel older when ridiing a scooter and acting like a teen.) It has made riding to work all worth it. I can feel as if I'm out for a good time when really all I'm doing is getting to work. (I guess that I should mention that it was my 50th.)

August whized by way to fast. Most of spent with Dari being sick. (Gaul stones)

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